Have You Noticed Your Hair Is Thinning? It’s Not too Soon to Discuss Your Replacement Options


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Have you noticed that your hair is thinning? Or perhaps you’ve realized that your hair loss has become more evident. It is not uncommon for men to notice that they have some degree of hair loss by the time they are 35. When they are 50, however, 85% of men will have lost a significant amount of hair.

There are approximately 35 million men in America that experience some amount of hair loss and/or baldness. In most cases, this is due to Androgenetic Alppecia, or common male pattern baldness. Over 95% of hair loss in men is attributed to this cause.

If you’re experiencing hair loss, there are replacement options available at a hair clinic. While some men may opt for Follicular Unit Strip Surgery (FUSS), the less-invasive option is Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE).

During FUSS, a strip of scalp is surgically removed from a non-balding area. It is then placed within incisions that are created in the balding area. In addition to being an invasive procedure, potential complications can arise. It takes longer to recover from FUSS, and there will also be a scar on the back of the head. This will limit the ability to have future procedures conducted because of the way these scars pull at the scalp.

There are a variety of advantages to having a FUE procedure performed as opposed to FUSS. This option is minimally invasive, has a lower complication rate, and a shorter recovery period. Furthermore, this procedure doesn’t leave you with large scars.

FUE is also referred to as Follicular Transfer (FT), and is a primary method to obtain follicular units, or natural hair groupings. Each follicular unit usually has 1 to 4 hairs. In some cases, however, there may be as many as 7 or 8 natural hair groupings in a single graft.

A FUE hair transplant procedure usually takes 8 hours to complete at a hair clinic. During this time, each follicular unit is individually harvested with a small instrument that is basically a tiny punch. While the time it will take to heal from this procedure will depend on your skin type, the grafts usually take in a few days. The redness will usually disappear in around 4 to 5 days.

In addition to FUE, you may also be interested in learning more about scalp micropigmentation, or a medical hairline tattoo. If you have undergone FUSS in the past, it’s possible that you would like to speak to a physician at a hair clinic about scar revision.

Even though your hair may have just begun to thin, it’s not too soon to consider your hair replacement options. When you meet with a physician, they will provide you with recommendations on how to address your hair loss.

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