4 Common Injuries Suffered While Playing Sports


Marysville walk in clinic

Many people love getting together to play sports. You’ll find that both games with friends and professional sporting events carry the risk of an injury occurring. There are many types of injuries that can occur while playing sports. Learning about the most common sports injuries can help to ensure you take measures to avoid damaging these areas of the body. Many people dealing with sports injuries have them treated at an urgent care location. Statistics show that there are nearly 20,000 physicians practicing in the urgent care industry. Here are four common sports injuries that are treatable at an urgent care facility.

  1. Sprained Ankles

    Statistics show that nearly 25,000 people in the United States sprain their ankles each day. Emergency medical clinics commonly treat instances where an ankle sprain has taken place. Many people find it easy to remember how an ankle sprain feels. An ankle sprain takes place when the ankle is turned in an unnatural way. Fortunately, emergency medical clinics are able to treat ankle sprains in a fast and efficient manner. It’s imperative to visit an urgent care facility to have your ankle looked at by professionals. You’ll find that medical tests will determine whether your ankle is sprained or a more serious fracture has occurred.
  2. Dislocated Shoulder

    Many sports involve excessive use of the shoulders including baseball, basketball, and swimming. Athletes playing sports often move their shoulders for long amounts of time and at rapid speeds. It’s understandable that many people experience shoulder injuries while playing sports. One of the most common shoulder injuries is a shoulder dislocation. If you’re feeling pain or limited mobility in the shoulder area, it’s best to visit an urgent care location.
  3. Tennis Elbow

    The elbows are responsible for helping the arm complete many movements used while playing sports. In some conditions, the elbow muscles and tendons become excessively worn down. Tennis elbow occurs primarily in the out areas of the elbow. It’s common to feel pain while suffering from tennis elbow, especially when trying to bend your arm. Many emergency medical clinics treat cases of tennis elbow. Statistics from the Urgent Care Association of America report that 3 million patients visit these clinics each week.
  4. Muscle Pulls

    There are a lot of muscles within the human body. Every sport utilizes specific muscles. Therefore, a wide range of muscles can be pulled while playing sports. A weightlifter can receive a muscle pull from lifting a weight that’s too heavy. A runner may find that a muscle pull occurs from failing to stretch before a warmup. Emergency medical clinics are able to diagnose and treat all sorts of pulled muscles.

In summary, there are several common injuries that occur while people play sports. A sprained ankle often occurs while someone twists their feet in a certain way. Many people playing sports have suffered from a sprained ankle. Certain sports involve players constantly using their shoulder muscles. Overexerting the shoulder muscles can sometimes lead to a dislocation. You don’t have to swing a racket to suffer from a case of tennis elbow. Tennis elbow is an injury that occurs within the outer part of the shoulder. Pulled muscles can happen nearly anywhere on the body, often occurring while playing sports. If you’re dealing with a sports injury that isn’t immediately life threatening, it’s best to get checked out at a nearby urgent care facility.

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