Treating Hyperhidrosis to Step Into a Happier Life


Cause of excessive sweating

The human body is an amazing thing. The functions that take place over the course of a normal day just to keep our bodies moving, healthy, and stable are incredibly complex, though we hardly ever even give it a second thought. These natural and involuntary actions of our bodies are designed to keep the machines we call our physical bodies running smoothly. However there are conditions that disrupt the machine from time to time, and in certain individuals, to the point that their bodies do not react in what would be considered a normal manner. One such condition is hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating. Treating hyperhidrosis can be done in a number of ways, including with the use of iontophoresis machines.

Living with hyperhidrosis

In today’s society, there seems to be a constant struggle to be able to live true to oneself. There has been, for possibly as long as societies have existed, a war on the individual, if the individual is not one to fit exactly into the cookie cutter roles that society deems acceptable. These unrealistic expectations and standards of society often lead to low self esteem and issues in expressing personality in those individuals who are unique. The thing is, everyone has their own brand of unique, so the fact that society continues to perpetuate such stringent standards is quite ridiculous. These days, people are slowly learning to be more accepting of each other and of their own characteristics that might be considered to be outside of the norm.

Hyperhidrosis affects about 8 million Americans, which may sound like a lot, but spread throughout the country, this number is small enough to cause those suffering to feel quite alone in their plight. The fact that hyperhidrosis is not a common condition adds fuel to the fire of society’s lack of understanding, and about 90% of hyperhidrosis sufferers have admitted that the existence of the condition has had negative effects on their emotional wellbeing. Many people feel less confident and are self conscious at work or in social settings. Spreading awareness and knowledge about the condition, as well as finding out information about treating hyperhidrosis, can help patients to feel more accepted and less judged.

Iontophoresis machines to reduce excessive sweating

On average, a person with normally functioning sweat glands has around 2 million to 4 million sweat glands that work to protect the body from overheating. Those people with hyperhidrosis sweat four to five times as much as people without the condition. So what can be done in the process of treating hyperhidrosis? Iontophoresis machines are designed to deliver small and safe electric currents to the skin, which results in a reaction that diminishes the amount of sweat. Each therapy session with the machine takes about 10 to 20 minutes to administer, and the treatment will often be administered anywhere from six to 10 times before the sweat glands will shut down. Most people do not consider the treatment to be painful, though the feeling of the small electrical shock is certainly a sensation most people are not accustomed to feeling. Everyone experiences sensations through their unique perspective, but what seems to be common among these individuals is the success of the treatment.

Hyperhidrosis does not have to dictate your actions or self esteem in life. There are ways to combat it, and treatments to help you feel healthier and more comfortable. The most important thing to remember is that your condition does not define you, and that you are much more than what people perceive if they are only focusing on your condition. Treating hyperhidrosis can help you ease back into situations that have been difficult in the past, and restore some of that confidence you know you are capable of wearing proudly.

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