One of the most popular vision correction options is LASIK eye surgery. Statistics gathered from 2015 found that nearly 596,000 of these procedures were performed throughout America. In addition, current estimates show that by 2020, 718,000 yearly LASIK surgeries will take place in the United States. One of several LASIK eye surgery pros is that this procedure has an extremely high success rate. Considering how popular this procedure has become, it’s understandable to ensure that you’re fully prepared for this type of surgery. With that in mind, here are five tips to follow while preparing for LASIK surgery.
- Schedule Time Away From Work
One of the major LASIK eye surgery pros is that patients are able to return to their normal lives after about 24 hours. That being said, patients whose recovery times are longer need to be prepared. In some cases, patients might require a few more days in order to fully recover. Considering that, it’s important you let your employer know of your upcoming LASIK procedure. This allows your employer to ensure you have an adequate amount of time to fully recover. - Find Someone to Transport You
For several reasons, you’ll want to have someone with you on the day of your LASIK appointment. First, you’ll need someone to transport you after having your surgery. Driving is not allowed after undergoing a LASIK procedure. In addition, you’ll likely feel comforted while having someone familiar in the waiting room with you. Having this person near you could prove to help with those waiting room jitters. - Steer Clear of Alcohol
It’s important that you avoid consuming alcohol the day before and two days after your LASIK procedure. Alcohol is a substance that can dry out the eyes. While in recovery, it’s important that your eyes are able to produce as much fluid as possible. - No Makeup 24 Hours Before Procedure
You’ll also want to avoid placing any makeup around your eyes 24 hours before your scheduled surgery. It’s best to avoid any type of facial makeup altogether. However, you must refrain from wearing eye makeup before or during your surgery. Makeup worn around the eyes can interfere with the laser used for your procedure. - Avoid Potentially Stressful Situations
While stress is a natural part of life, it’s important to avoid it after recovering from LASIK eye surgery. Placing too much stress on yourself can slow the recovery process. Therefore, place the work project you’re thinking of tackling on hold until you’re fully recovered. It’s best to spend your time in recovery remaining rested and relaxed.
To summarize, it’s understandable to wonder how to go about preparing for a LASIK surgical procedure. One of many LASIK eye surgery pros is the quick recovery time involved with this procedure. However, you’ll still want to let your employer know you could require a few days to fully recover. It’s important that you’re able to have someone transport you home. If you’re interested in finding out more about this type of surgery, consider contacting a LASIK eye surgery center. In turn, you’ll be able to receive an appointment that can provide you with more detailed information about your LASIK procedure.
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