Job Burnout Can Last For Months Here Are The Most Common Warning Signs You’re Burning Out Fast


Workplace anger

A common source of pride in America is being a hard worker. What happens when working too hard backfires?

Burnout psychology is a field that’s only gaining more and more prevalence as countless American workers struggle to make ends meet. This condition is characterized by extreme physical and emotional exhaustion that lasts for weeks, even months, before it finally starts to reverse. Such a serious issue isn’t just easy to spot, it’s easy to avoid when you take the right steps toward self-care. This means being honest about your social life (or lack thereof), taking sick days and working on your lackluster sleeping habits.

Here are some of the most common signs of job burnout to help you circumvent extreme stress in your life.

You Struggle With A Work-Life Balance

We all need a happy balance between work and play. When you’re struggling to get just a few hours to yourself per day or meet up with friends on the weekend, it’s more than possible you’re facing one of the most common elements of burnout psychology. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health and lacking a strong social life or engaging hobbies is a guaranteed way of inviting burnout when you least expect it. A recent survey found physicians are twice as likely to be dissatisfied with their work life balance.

You Can’t Fall Asleep Or Stay Asleep At Night

Doctors recommend you get seven to nine hours of sleep every night to stay healthy. If you have a hard time falling asleep or staying asleep you are likely facing the beginning of burnout symptoms. It’s considered normal to fall asleep within 15 to 20 minutes, with your rest remaining uninterrupted throughout the night. While changing your sheets or doing something relaxing before you lay down can help, talking to a sleep professional can help with more extreme cases.

You’re Starting To Feel Disillusioned And Hopeless

Depression is a subtle condition that you can grow used to before you realize it. Your career field can also have a major impact. Physicians over the age of 35 have a burnout rate of nearly 45%, with a recent study showing medical students in general reporting a rate of depression that’s up to 30% higher than the average population. It’s not normal to feel disillusioned with life or lose interest in your hobbies. Signs of emotional exhaustion should be taken just as seriously as an illness or injury.

You Grind Your Teeth Or Struggle With A Sore Neck

Your body often gives you warning signs linked to burnout psychology. Grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw is a common sign of unchecked stress. A sore neck or aching shoulders that won’t go away no matter how much heat therapy or rest you get is also another sign you need to start tackling your problem at the root. A Medscape Physician Lifestyle Survey saw female physicians rating themselves higher on the physician burnout scale than their male counterparts at 55% to their 45%.

You’ve Been Getting Sick More Frequently

Last, but not least, it’s more than likely you’re facing job burnout when you get sick more than usual. Stress is a notorious drain on your body’s natural resources and puts you in a worse spot to either fight off infection or bounce back after an illness. Workplace stress causes over one million American employees to collectively miss work every day. Two-thirds of American women and men have also stated that their job has had a significant impact on their physical and emotional health.

Burnout is a severe condition. Reach out to a support group or sleep aid professional this year and put your health first.

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