A Guide to a Cognitive Assessment


A cognitive assessment is one of the most important tests a child can take. This is the type of test that can help diagnose a child with ADHD, Autism, or another type of learning disability. While some parents fear this, it is the starting point for working towards improving the lives of this child!

Most people believe that they are fine even though they may have a learning disability. It is estimated that over 40 million American Adults are dyslexic but only 2 million know it. Get your child a psychoeducational evaluation or a cognitive assessment to help diagnose a problem.

One in five children in the United States have learning and attention issues such as dyslexia and ADHD, but 48% of parents believe incorrectly that children will outgrow these difficulties. ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder and while it is a learning disability, medication and treatment can help fix this. So get your child a cognitive assessment so that they can take strides towards a great life!

A Cognitive Assessment Can Help Diagnose Autism

A neuropsychological evaluation will work with children the same way that a cognitive assessment works with children. These tests will work to evaluate the cognitive abilities of a child to determine what level of functionality they are at. Again, even though this seems intimidating, it can help you and your child work on their disabilities together.

A government survey of parents suggests that one in 45 children, ages three through 17, have been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, which is shortened to ASD. This means that there are other families who could be going through this same situation. Plenty of families work with their child and help them live a healthy and happy life!

Symptoms of autism spectrum disorder are typically recognized by age two. This is a good age for parents to begin working with their child. You can easily work with them through behavioral therapy so that they can develop great and valuable social skills over time. This will help them live a happy life as they grow into adulthood. Keep in mind that boys are three times more likely to be diagnosed with autism than girls.

A Cognitive Assessment Can Help Diagnose ADHD

The average age of diagnosis for children with moderate ADHD is seven years. ADHD is a more evolved form of ADD can potentially develop emotional issues and other focus problems. While this seems intimidating, ADHD can be handled through psychotherapy and daily medication. This will help children focus and have a better attention span as well as working to balance out emotions.

Recent statistics have been revealed that deal with boys and girls who are diagnosed with ADHD. These stats have revealed that young boys are diagnosed at a rate of 13% with ADHD. On the other hand, girls are diagnosed at a rate of 5.6%. Thus, boys are nearly three times more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD as opposed to girls!

Anxiety disorders occur in 50% of adults with ADHD. This is one of the many things that comes as a side effect of ADHD and this is exactly why parents need to work towards a cognitive assessment for their child. Adults with ADD are three times more likely to suffer stress, depression, or other emotional problems that may cause them to miss work.

In Conclusion

Parents who think that these types of learning disabilities may be tied to intelligence need to relax and rethink things. this is not true at all and actually, the inverse has been proven with time. For instance, dyslexia is not tied to IQ at all to the point where Einstein even had dyslexia. An estimated 6.4 million American children ages four to 17 have been diagnosed with ADHD! Do not fear this situation, act now and help your child.

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