IVF And Conception In America


Having children is, for many people around the country and around the planet as a whole, one of the biggest joys that life can bring. Finding out that you’re pregnant with your first child can be a hugely exciting time in your life – scary, but exciting and in many ways so very joyful. But for those who cannot get pregnant so easily, the struggle to get pregnant can take a considerable mental toll not only on them but on their partners as well. Infertility is a difficult burden to bear, but fortunately there are more treatments for those who have been diagnosed as infertile than there have ever been before. From medication to going through at least one IVF cycle, there are many ways in which people who are struggling with infertility to become fertile, even just temporarily, and conceive the child that they so very much wanted.

Getting pregnant is something that often naturally takes longer than many of us realize. In fact, your chances of falling pregnant after only one instance of unprotected sex are far lower than many of us believe, even if you are perfectly healthy and will have no trouble conceiving and carrying a child to term in the future. In fact, for healthy couples who fall within the age range of late twenties to early thirties, there is often less than a twenty five percent chance of getting pregnant in any given month. You can increase those chances by charting your cycles and tracking your ovulation, but it can still take up to a year to get pregnant even if you and your partner are both in peak physical shape and have no fertility issues whatsoever. This is why most doctors will not recommend that you see a fertility specialist until after a whole year of trying unsuccessfully to conceive has passed.

Much of the fertility problems that women are facing here in the United States have a lot to do with age and that women are having babies at older ages than ever before. Biologically, the most fertile period of any given woman’s life falls between the ages of twenty and twenty four. However, most women are not in any way ready to plan out a pregnancy and have a baby during those years. Most are in college or have just graduated from it, and are still establishing their careers and their lives. In today’s world, many women are not in a place where they feel ready to have a baby, both financially and in terms of their careers, until they enter or even surpass their mid to late thirties. This can lead to considerable problems with conceiving once a woman reaches the age of forty, as only around forty percent of all women who attempt to get pregnant at that age will be able to do so.

There are also a number of other reasons why getting pregnant can be difficult. Reproductive problems on either end of the couple can make conceiving challenging, as can autoimmune illnesses. Some women are able to get pregnant, but suffer from repeated miscarriages. In fact, as many as one in eight couples will have trouble sustaining the pregnancy once they are able to conceive, and early miscarriages are not uncommon, even among fertile women with no fertility problems.

Fortunately, there are ways to combat fertility problems medically in ways that were never thought possible before. Of course, adopting is an option, as is hiring a surrogate to carry your biological child. However, many people want to experience having their own baby, and would instead prefer to pursue fertility treatments. An IVF cycle is one way to attempt to get pregnant. While an IVF cycle can be invasive, as the IVF treatments leading up to the IVF cycle involve the woman injecting herself with hormones to stimulate ovulation, an IVF cycle is often recommended to those couples that have exhausted other methods of medical intervention. Fortunately, even just one IVF cycle has a good chance of being successful, and is one of the marvels of modern medicine.

If you are struggling to get pregnant, you’re not alone. Many women have gone through successful fertility treatments like the IVF cycle and come out on the other side.

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