Neuropsychiatric Programs An Innovative Option to Evaluate and Treat a Variety of Mental Health and Other Issues


Psychiatric hospitals in indiana

There is a growing need for innovative programs that evaluate and treat chronic behavioral and emotional disorders. This includes addressing issues that arise from underlying psychiatric, neurological, and/or medical issues. A neuropsychiatric program can provide the level of care that is needed to assist individuals that present with a variety of symptoms and diagnoses.

The Prevalence of Mental Health Issues

In the United States, there are 7.7 million people suffering with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, 15 million suffering with social anxiety disorder, and 6 million suffering with a panic disorder. Throughout the world, there are also 350 million people that experience some level of depression, and there has been a 20% increase in depression diagnoses every year.

In the United States, however, anxiety disorders are the most prevalent form of mental illness. Recent estimates indicate that 10% of teenagers and 40% of adults suffer from some type of anxiety disorder.

Every 4 seconds, someone is diagnosed with some form of dementia, and every 67 seconds, someone develops Alzheimer’s disease in the United States alone. On a worldwide basis, there are an estimated 47.5 million people that are living with some form of dementia.

In 2015 alone, it was estimated that 5.3 million Americans had Alzheimer’s disease. By 2030, this number is expected to increase to 75.6 million individuals. It has been projected that by 2050, the number of people with dementia will triple.

Treatment for Depression

It’s been determined that even though they are experiencing clinical depression symptoms, 80% of these individuals are not seeking treatment for their depression. It is believed that they would benefit from being evaluated and treated in a neuropsychiatric program.

Treatment for Anxiety Disorders

The most common form of mental illness in the United States is an anxiety disorder. Currently, it affects approximately 40 million adults 18 years and older, which constitutes 18% of the total population.

When compared with those individuals without an anxiety disorder, it’s been shown that individuals that do suffer with this condition are 3 to 5 times more likely to visit their doctor. Furthermore, these individuals are also 6 times more likely to be hospitalized in a psychiatric facility.

If you are looking for psychiatric care for yourself or a family member, you may be interested in learning more about the types of neuropsychiatric programs available. While some individuals may benefit from brief inpatient care, others, such as individuals suffering with clinical depression and Alzheimer’s, may benefit from, or require, long-term care.

In addition to providing compassionate psychiatric care, which may include reminiscence therapy, art, music, and other forms of recreational therapy are also available to assist patients with processing. Occupational therapy is also an option to assist patients with returning to the work force.

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