You’re going about your morning routine. You floss your teeth, wash your face, the usual. Then you pull a larger-than-average chunk of hair from your brush.
Hair loss doesn’t happen overnight. It crops up here and there, in hair that keeps falling onto your shoulders or building up on your brush. When you accept you have a hair loss problem? You can feel defeated even before you start looking up solutions. While some hair loss can be caused by too much stress or heat damage, male pattern hair loss is a genetic issue that affects millions of Americans as we know it. A hair transplant clinic may just be what you need to get you back up to speed and enjoying a full head of hair once more.
Learn more about the function of a hair transplant clinic, the cost of a hair transplant and the different options available to you.
What Causes Hair Loss?
Hair loss is an issue a lot of people are dealing with today. Some lose a little hair because of too much stress, having to change their lifestyle around to get themselves back up to speed. Others find themselves losing nearly all of their hair due to age. By the age of thirty-five over two-thirds of American men will start experiencing some degree of hair loss. Androgenetic Alopecia, or common male pattern baldness, accounts for over 95% of hair loss in men.
How Many Men Are Living With Hair Loss?
It’s easy to feel like you’re alone in this issue. Hair loss is frustrating and can seriously affect your self-esteem. It’s estimated over 85% of men over the age of 50 have significantly thinning hair and the United States alone sees 35 million men enduring some level of hair loss. The function of a hair transplant clinic is to provide longer lasting results than typical over-the-counter procedures. Knowing which one to use, however, depends on your budget and personal taste.
What Hair Loss Procedures Can I Use?
Not all hair loss procedures are designed the same way. Some leave heavier scarring, while others are proven to be more effective. FUSS, short for Follicular Unit Strip Surgery, takes a strip of scalp from a non-balding area and places it in an incision in a balding area. It is considered an invasive surgery with a higher complication rate, often leaving a scar in the back of the head. Compare this toe FUE, or Follicular Unit Extraction, which uses naturally occurring groups of one to four hairs for hair transplantation.
How Much Does Hair Loss Treatment Cost?
Sometimes shampoos and creams can’t do the work of reversing the issue of male pattern baldness. A hair transplant clinic can provide you multiple methods of reversing hair loss that last much longer, paying for itself in just a matter of months. A FUE hair transplant cost depends on how much scalp you’re attempting to cover, as it’s priced by the graft and can be anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand depending on what you need. With its minimally invasive techniques and fast recovery time, FUE is widely considered one of the best ways of reversing male pattern baldness.
Should I Visit A Hair Transplant Clinic?
When you’re tired of pulling out more hair than you’re growing and constantly covering your bald spot, a hair transplant clinic can provide you the relief you’ve been seeking. A hair restoration specialist will figure out which procedure is best for you depending on your health and genetic history, with different price ranges and consultations designed to suit your unique situation. Around half of a man’s head of hair will be gone before it starts becoming cosmetically visible, which means you could already be balding and not even know it by glancing in the mirror.
Hair loss is frustrating, but it doesn’t have to be your reality. How could hair transplant surgery change how you look at aging?
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