With the rise of automobiles over the past few decades, it seems like bicycles should have become a minority of transportation. However, the industry is still riding strong today. The bicycle industry gained a revenue of more than $6.2 billion in the United States during 2015 alone, and reports estimate that there are currently twice as many bicycles in the world as there are cars. What is it that is keeping this industry so strong?
Well, one of the most important benefits of using a bicycle over a car is the exercise. Bicycling is a fairly easy form of exercise available to a variety of people regardless of their fitness levels. Yes, some people take it to competition, but even casual cycling can be good for your health. A study conducted by the BMA (British Medical Association) showed that when people cycled regularly for a week, their risk for coronary heart disease was reduced significantly. Those who cycled 20 miles or more a week saw a reduced risk of up to 50%. This makes it invaluable as a way to get outside and improve your health, even if you only cycle a few miles a week.
Still, the bicycles aren’t the only important pieces of equipment. They only account for a fraction of expenses. There are also helmets, gloves, knee pads, comfortable riding shoes, and other pieces to consider. Of course, only the helmet is actually required to keep you safe. However, the others provide added support to your ride and can be helpful if you want to get them. And a lot of cyclists do, with people spending an average of $81 million on bicycling gear in the United States annually. There are also other accessories that can be used on your bike, such as different types of bike saddles. These could include an anatomic saddle, which provide more support and comfort on longer rides, or leather bicycle saddles to give your bike a vintage look. Makers of the leather bicycle saddles insist that they are still just as comfortable as others, but it’s a preference. If your current saddle isn’t sitting right with you, it may be time to give something else a try.
So join the approximate one-eighth of adults in the United States and get cycling. It will help your health and give you an excuse to get outside for some fresh air.
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