Three Issues That Can Be Treated At Urgent Care Clinics


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Nobody wants to need urgent medical care. But the fact is that at some point in a person’s life, they will likely need medical help, and quickly. The risk of needing urgent medical care only rises as a person gets older. Baby Boomers are finding themselves at a higher risk for everything from broken bones to chronic pain conditions. Yet not all medical issues experienced by Baby Boomers necessarily merit a visit to the hospital. Nor do they always require a trip to the emergency room. But there is a difference between needing to rush to the emergency room and being able to wait until the next time your local doctor’s office is open. Many primary care physicians do not work during the weekends, and often a doctor’s office closes before the evening really begins. In that case, what do you do? Luckily, there are medical clinics available that will serve people quickly and professionally. You aren’t getting lower quality care at urgent medical care clinics. Rather, you’re getting the care you need at more competitive prices, and for that matter more diverse hours. For Baby Boomers, even having a medical professional available to tell you whether or not you need to go to the hospital or the emergency room is valuable. Let’s look into some of the services urgent medical care clinics can provide.

1. Chronic Pain Care

With six out of 10 Baby Boomers expected to be nursing a chronic condition of some kind by 2030, chronic pain is a major concern for that generation. Chronic pain is often considered a part of aging, but people shouldn’t have to feel like they have to put up with it without treatment. Just as there are many different types of chronic pain, there are also many different ways in which that pain can be treated. For example, while 69% of Americans report being affected by lower back pain, only four in 10 Americans exercise to relieve that pain. While exercise isn’t an option for everyone, a medical professional at an urgent care clinic can examine you and advice you on whether or not it’s safe. Yet in some places, having your chronic pain treated can be quite expensive — but according a recent study, the total medical costs for treating lower back pain were $2,736.32 lower for those who received early physical therapy. If an urgent care clinic can help you devise a plan for physical therapy — or even give you some physical therapy itself — you may be able to save a lot in future medical costs.

2. Fractures And Sprain Repairs

Chances are that you’ve probably had a fracture or sprain of some kind at some point in your life. Baby Boomers, as they age, will be more likely to experience sprains or broken bones. They’ll be more likely to lose their balance, and their bones may be weaker. Luckily, you don’t have to spend a lot of time and money treating a comparatively minor injury. While serious fractures will probably require a hospital visit, many urgent care clinics can set simple fractures. Certainly, they can handle sprains. A sprain could need a treatment plan as simple as icing the injured area for a period of time and keeping weight off of it; or it could require the patient to use crutches. An urgent care clinic can help you either way, and do it in a manner that isn’t going to take up your entire day or send you home with an astronomical medical bill.

3. Respiratory Infection Treatment

It’s easy to get a respiratory infection — treating it can be another story entirely. The older a person is, the more likely they are to have a minor infection become serious. Therefore, Baby Boomers with respiratory infections shouldn’t hesitate before visiting their urgent care clinics. There, fluids can be administered, as can antibiotics and care regimens. If you don’t want your respiratory infection to become more serious than it already is, it’s vital that you listen to medical advice and be proactive.

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