Are You Doing Everything You Can to Take Care of Your Health?


Cardiac surgeon

Can I ask you a favor?
I need you to give me a quarter for every dollar that you have.
Not just the dollars that you have in your purse or your billfold, I need a quarter from every dollar that you have.
That’s 25%, correct?
That same amount, 25%, is equivalent to the number of Americans who die from heart disease every year. In fact, nearly 610,000 people die of heart disease in the U.S. a year, and that number is equal to one in every four deaths. And while you would likely never give a quarter of every dollar you won to a complete stranger, you should be in even less likely to give one quarter of your friends and family members to an eventual death from heart disease. You would likely be even less accepting of those deaths if you understood that many of they may have ben preventable.
Can a Heart Rhythm Specialist Help You Anticipate Your Heart Attack Risk?
Interventional cardiology treatments like cardiac ablation and specialized doctors like heart rhythm specialists can help patients determine their heart disease risk factors. Although many people who are over weight and exercise infrequently should already know that they are putting themselves at risk of a heart attack, not everyone pays attention to the warning signs. Furthermore, some people who are at risk of heart attack may not know that they are in danger. These people might especially benefit from a visit to a heart specialist, or someone who is using the most current treatment and heart care options.
A heart health clinic can help patients understand the possible implications of puzzling symptoms that are not like the typical heart attack signs. For example, these clinics are staffed with doctors and specialists who are skilled in diagnosing and treating people with all kinds of heart rhythm disorders, medically referred to as arrhythmias.
The very best heart rhythm clinic uses a health care platform that is very different from the typical visit to a single cardiac care doctor. In a clinic that staffs heart rhythm specialists, the entire staff takes a team approach to patient centered care.
While some physicians may specialize in heart diseases, other doctors also have their special fields of expertise. The cardiologist who is trained in treating and evaluating heart rhythm problems works along side other clinic specialists. With the newest interventional cardiology training, this team can use procedures like vein ablation treatment to reduce the risk of heart health emergencies. Unlike many health care single doctor platforms, these heart care specialists provide centralized evaluation and care for all of their patients.
Have Your Doctors Been Unable to Explain Your Fainting Symptoms?
Although many heart patients exhibit typical signs that are frequently listed in heart attack indicator charts, other patients exhibit more puzzling and less common symptoms. Some of the unique symptoms and more common but fatal indicators that heart rhythm specialists and their teams evaluate include the following:

  • Fainting. Patients who experience unexplained fainting, medically referred to as syncope, may need further assessment. In a heart care team approach the heart rhythm specialist and other care providers may do extensive testing to see if the patient has a need for medications, or even a pacemaker.
  • Heart failure. If you are a patient who has already had heart failure, the team of specialists may try new procedures like a biventricular pacemaker
  • Arrhythmias. Heart rhythm disorders can be an early indicator of a larger problem. Procedures like cardiac ablation and other newer treatment options may be able to reduce or more closely monitor these troubling abnormalities.

Understanding the Statistics Is Just Part of the Solution
Many people are familiar with some of the most talked about heart risk statistics:

  • 90% of all women have at least one heart risk factor
  • Every 34 seconds someone in America has a heart attack
  • 30 minutes of physical exercise at least five day a week will make you less likely to have a heart attack
  • Consuming less than 2,400 mg of sodium a day may prevent heart problems

Are you willing, however, to let this information be the only thing that keeps you from being the one in every four Americans who die from a heart attack?

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