Talking to Your Doctor About Your Desire to Shape Your Breasts


Facial aesthetics

We live in a society that puts very heavy significance on appearance. Many expectations and ideals that are portrayed as standards are quite unrealistic for the majority of the population. And yet these concepts of beauty continue to be hailed as the standard to be met, and many people spend a lot of time, money, and effort on chasing these supposed ideals, bent on obtaining the look that will bring them happiness. However, until that happiness can be obtained completely apart from the expectations of anyone but the self, there will be an unhappy lifetime of chasing the unattainable.

This does not mean, however, that working on looking and feeling your best, or even altering your appearance, is a sign of low self esteem or an unhealthy mentality. As long as you can be honest with yourself and your ability to be happy regardless of appearance, working on achieving a certain look can be a healthy goal.

Plastic surgery and body contouring

Perhaps you have worked hard to lose weight and you want to talk to your doctor about the possibility of a tummy tuck to take care of those last few pesky pounds. Maybe you want to shape your breasts to fit an idea of what you would like them to look like, whether through breast lifts, implants, or breast reduction. Whatever the case may be, the very beginning of the process should be feeling comfortable in your own skin. Do you want to shape your breasts because someone else planted the idea in your head, or because you like the idea of it? Are you relying on your idea of your potential post surgery look to boost your self worth, or are you confident in who you are, and just looking for a little excitement by switching things up a bit? Shaping your face or body to look different can be seen as an exercise in art and adventure, but only if you are coming at it from a healthy perspective and mentality.

The popularity of plastic surgery

Whether you want to shape your breasts, get a nose job, or do something completely different to your body, you certainly are not alone in that desire. Among the most popular procedures are breast augmentation, tummy tucks, eyelid surgery, liposuction, and breast lifts. Many people indulge in these procedures, and to get a good idea of what you are in for, you will want to sit down for a thorough conversation with your doctor. While a breast reduction surgery could cost around $6,000, potentially be covered one’s health insurance, and take two to three hours to complete, breast implants for another person could be a completely different story.

Learn to love your body. And if you decide to get some work done, let it be from a healthy mentality and a strong, positive place in regard to your body image.

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