The Holiday Season Is Rolling Around Trying To Keep Off Excess Weight?


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Are you trying to lose weight before the holidays roll around? You’re far from alone. From Halloween to Christmas, the colder months are pretty rough for people trying to maintain their figure after months of dieting, exercising and training. If you’ve been searching for options to help you trim the fat over the winter, consider looking into professional weight loss programs. There’s no need to go on this journey all by yourself, what with millions of like-minded Americans across the country working week after week to maintain their very best. Below are the top five things you should know when going into a program for medical weight loss, from statistics to regimen tips and tricks!

How Is Weight Loss In America?

Did you know more than two out of three adults in the United States are considered to be either overweight or obese? This has caused millions of people to turn to weight loss programs and diet regimens in an attempt to trim their waist line and bolster their heart health. Obesity is a term referring to those who weigh at least 20% more than what is considered a normal weight to height ratio.

What Are The Health Risks Of Gaining Too Much Weight?

Ongoing studies have revealed multiple minor and severe health risks with gaining too much weight. A Harvard study found that obesity, in particular, increases the risk of diabetes by a whopping 20 times as well as substantially boosting the risk of developing high blood pressure, heart disease, gallstones and even stroke. Among people who were either overweight or obese, there was a noticeable link between BMI (short for body mass index) and risk — the higher your BMI, the higher the likelihood you could develop a disease in the near future.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Maintaining A Healthy Weight?

Likewise, there are multiple health benefits that come with consistently maintaining a healthy weight. Losing weight at a rate of around one pound per week, for starters, will already help you become less likely to cause gallstones. Losing around 5% to 10% of your weight is proven to reduce your risk of heart disease, as well. A combination of exercise, dieting and mental wellness has been proven to lower excess weight and keep it off.

What Additional Services Can I Seek Out?

If you want to lose weight, there are additional services you can find that can help you in achieving the ideal body you’ve always wanted. The cosmetic industry has found laser hair removal to be the most popular aesthetic procedure for women under the age of 35, second only to Botox treatments for the 35 and older crowd. According to a recent survey conducted by Celibre Medical Corporation, a whopping 97% of women who removed unwanted hair with lasers said they were very satisfied with the outcome.

Where Do I Get Started?

Keeping weight off isn’t easy. Studies have shown the average dieter struggling to keep their weight off once they reach their goal, with reasons ranging from stress to conflicting schedules contributing to the relapse. When you want to become more healthy but are having difficulties staying consistent, medical weight loss programs are there to give you the resources and support you need to succeed. Weight loss professionals can analyze your weight, assess any extraneous factors and assist you in creating a schedule unique to your individual needs. There’s no need to fear the holiday cheer — next time you’re thinking of shaving off a few pounds, signing up for a weight loss program will be your first step on the way to a healthier you.

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