9 Tips and Tricks to Dealing with a Sinus Infection


Sinus infections share a number of symptoms of the common cold. There are some key differences between the two. One of the main differences is the length of time you will suffer from the symptoms. Another big difference between the two is that colds are caused by a virus while many sinus infections are caused by bacteria. No matter what the cause, here are some things you can do to feel better until your sinusitis heals.

  1. Start with a visit to your primary care doctor. Before you decide what you want to do about your sinusitis, you should talk to a professional about it and get their recommendations. They can tell you if they think the problem is caused by a bacteria or a virus. The former can be treated with antibiotics but they will do nothing for a virus. If you are given an antibiotic, it is very important that you take it for the entire time — some people stop when their symptoms get better but that is a mistake. Not taking antibiotics as prescribed is the main reason there are so many bugs out there that are resistant to the important medications.
  2. Ask the doctor about over the counter drugs. Also called OTC medications, these include pain relievers (such as ibuprofen or naproxen sodium), fever reducers (such as Tylenol or aspirin), and decongestants. These can also be used to reduce the swelling in your sinuses and that can do a lot to help with the discomfort that accompanies a sinus infection.
  3. Keep well hydrated. One way to get an infection out of your system is to flush it out. This means drinking a lot of liquid. Water, hot soup, tea are all good options. By the time people are thirsty, they are already dehydrated. Drink lots of fluids and eat foods with liquids, such as soup.
  4. Give your immune system a boost. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved lozenges to help people with a cold or other upper respiratory infection. These contain zinc. You can just take some extra zinc to make your immune system stronger. There are other things you can add to the foods and drinks you consume; onions, ginger, and garlic all work. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends people take between 300 and one thousand milligrams of garlic extract or consume between two and five grams every day to get the most from it.
  5. Keep your sinuses from drying out. When people have a sinus infection, one good thing to do is keep the area from getting dry. There are different ways to do this. Some people have a humidifier. Others use nasal sprays. Steam can also be very effective here. Taking steam filled showers can help a lot. Standing over a hot pot of boiling water can also do the trick.
  6. Look into getting a neti pot. These have been used for thousands of years to help people dealing with sinus issues. You fill the pot with a saline solution and follow the instructions that come with it and you should have a good experience.
  7. Try essential oils. You need to get the food grade essential oils for this to do you any good. New research has shown that when people use eucalyptus oil, they can recover from a sinus infection a lot faster.
  8. Add some warm compresses to your arsenal to help with the facial pain. One of the most common symptoms of a sinus infection is a pain in the face. Using warm compresses can do a lot to ease that pain. Take some towels and place them in hot water. Place that on your face and it will help alleviate the pain.
  9. Get your rest. It takes your body a lot to get over these infections. It may not seem like it but this is why you are so tired when you have one. Help your body fight off infections by letting it get all of the rest that it needs. If you are looking for a time to curl up with some tea and Netflix, this is the time.

Simus infections are no fun and can be painful but they do not last forever. These tips can also help.

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