I Have A Wakefulness Disorder How Can I Get Better Sleep At Night?


Stay healthy

Do you struggle with chronic pain or mental illness? You’re not alone. One of the most frustrating daily issues Americans young and old struggle with is that of inner pain. These can range from chronic migraines to severe depression, all of which can make day-to-day life far more difficult than it should be. Never feel like a healthier life isn’t within your grasp, however. There are a plethora of changes you can make to your lifestyle that can see you feeling better, looking great and achieving goals you previously thought impossible. Whether you want alternative therapies for digestive disorders or are curious about how you can lower your anxious symptoms, there are resources for everyone.

Digestive Disorders

A notoriously aggravating chronic health condition is that of a digestive disorder. Digestive diseases have been found to affect as many as 70 million people at any given time, making basic activities such as eating out and even sleeping feel like a chore. Digestive diseases even led to the death of over 245,000 people back in 2009. Should you feel yourself struggling with constant nausea and stomach pain, visiting a doctor is necessary to make sure you’re not being faced with a deeper condition. For those that want to manage minor to moderate daily symptoms, diet changes can help significantly. Mint, in particular, is known to reduce symptoms of nausea and…

Generalized Anxiety

One of the most common forms of mental illness in the United States is that of anxiety, affecting 40 million adults based on recent census data. In other words, nearly 20% of the population. This condition is different for everyone — while some may have obsessive-compulsive disorder, others may have social anxiety disorder. When you struggle with negative thoughts, a racing heart and trouble concentrating, there are multiple methods you can use to reduce these symptoms. Anxiety disorders have been found to be highly treatable. Unfortunately, the nature of the condition sees only one-third of those suffering seeking treatment.

Chronic Depression

Perhaps you don’t have anxiety and instead see your quality of life significantly hindered by chronic depression. Characterized by deep feelings of hopelessness and disinterest alongside physical lethargy and trouble sleeping, depression can make even simple tasks feel impossible. Depression is three times more common in people with migraine and chronic headaches than those without, though hereditary factors and seasonal changes also play a major part. Exercise, diet changes and cognitive behavioral therapy have been proven to reduce depressive symptoms.

Constant Insomnia

When you have trouble sleeping you have trouble living your life to the fullest. Studies have shown as many as 70 million American adults having either a sleep or wakefulness disorder — these can range from chronic insomnia to sleep apnea. The latter is characterized by the titular ‘apnea’, an interruption that makes deep, restful sleep more difficult to achieve. The source of a sleep disorder can be as varied as its symptoms, with chronic stress, anxiety and age being major factors.

Living A Healthier Life Today

While a simple cure isn’t realistic, that doesn’t mean you can’t improve your overall health by changing your daily habits and tackling deeper issues at the root. A sleeping disorder should be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible to avoid long-term side-effects such as depression and a reduced immune system, the latter of which can only get worse without the aid of a natural REM cycle. Anxiety and depression both have symptoms that can be reduced significantly through diet changes, such as adding more omega-3 fatty acids. Last, but not least, natural remedies can soothe your mind and encourage a more positive mood. There’s no reason to feel like you’re fighting this battle alone. There are countless resources available to help you if you only reach out.

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